It is Friday. Friday night to be exact. When I was much younger (in my 20's) Friday nights were a time for fun and visiting with friends and staying up really late to play rook and eat pizza. I could drink coke and still be able to sleep like a rock. Friday night is now a time when I breathe a big sigh of relief that the work week is done and I go to bed early so I can get up early to go grocery shopping. When I get home from getting my groceries and doing my numerous other errands that old people do on Saturdays my teens are often still sound asleep and I find myself thinking "My, you are wasting your whole day away!" When did we turn into our parents? When did this happen?
I still feel like I am 20 inside. I don't look 20 though. The hair is turning grey and my eyes are a little wrinkly when I smile. Things are flabbier.
I am not ready for my kids to date, have opinions different from mine, be taller than me, know more than me .......
I am not ready for them to experience disappointments, broken hearts and confusion ........
I am not ready to send them into a world where God is not important .........
I once thought only old people drink coffee and now I drink coffee ......
I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and I stayed skinny, now I just look at a donut and it plasters itself to my butt ......
I look silly when I try on clothes from the stores my daughter shops in ......
I feel old when my kids ask me to tell them about the olden days ....... when there was no e-mail, cell phones, computers, microwaves .........a world without texting, facebook, twittering and blogs ....... when you listened to big CD's, only rich people owned a color television and when you rented a movie you had to go the video store and bring home a big silver suitcase .....
Lately I have decided that I am going to enjoy this time of my life. I am going to love being in my forties. This is going to my decade. And when Ian (remember I am no longer protecting his identity because he ticked me off) turns 50 in 2 and a half years I will remind hin about the good old days when he was in his forties.
Over and out. Post number 3 complete.
My sentiments exactly!